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Get More from Your Meta Money, Part 5: Target Like an SMB

Vad Pishkov
Mar 06 2024
If you’re an SMB, you might not have enough data yet for effective ad targeting. That’s where “Audience suggestions” comes in.

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Get More from Your Meta Money, Part 4: Feed the Algorithm

Vad Pishkov
Feb 21 2024
In today’s article, we discuss how the Meta Advantage+ audience algorithm works and the best ways to find your perfect audiences.

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Get More from Your Meta Money, Part 3: Consolidate Campaigns

Vad Pishkov
Feb 14 2024
This is another story of consolidation, only with campaigns, not audiences. In the end, you'll get great results: lower cost and greater efficiency.

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Get More from Your Meta Money, Part 2: An Advantage+ Shopping Hack for Lead Generation

Vad Pishkov
Feb 06 2024
In this second article in our Meta series, we explain why an Advantage+ Shopping hack is just what you need to generate more leads.

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Get More from Your Meta Money, Part 1: Consolidate Your Audiences

Vad Pishkov
Jan 30 2024
In this multiple-part series, we’re highlighting how to become a savvier Meta marketer. First up: three steps to consolidating your audiences.

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New-Channel Tests: How Can You Tell If They’re Working?

Bryan Karas
Oct 10 2022
So you’ve decided to expand your channel portfolio and test new platforms. How can you prep for success?

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